Spaces of Encounter is a new feminist-FLINTA* social collective based here in Berlin. We share food and creative mediums as a catalyst for conversations about artistic, political, environmental and cultural issues. We are pleased to invite you to our next event De/coloniality of Drinks on the 8th of November in Ida Nowhere (Donaustr. 79) from 7pm onwards.
Our event will attempt to offer a feminist exploration of Assamese-Indian, Bataknese-Indonesian, and settler colonial-Australian teas, sugars, and spices. We will reflect on rituals surrounding their preparation as warming drinks while discussing colonial histories and current conditions for women workers on plantations. Attendees are also invited to share their own de/colonial drinks and stories.
As always, there will be a delicious meal accompanying our discussion. This time we will be serving a vegan meal of dahl and rice (with Indian spices and home-grown chillies).
This event is open for everyone, with no tolerance for discrimination of any kind.
We ask you to pay an entry fee of 8 euros to cover our costs for ingredients and a contribution to the Ida Nowhere space, with any extra held over for the next event in spring. However, we will not turn away anyone for lack of funds!
Please register with us by sending us an email or DM on Instagram to help with preparations, walk-ins are also welcome.
Feel free to share among your friends, comrades and communities.