
Samstag, 17. September: Sassparilla Sisters (Tanz)


Diesen Samstag, mal wieder was anderes … zwei Damen, die Sassparilla Sisters, ein Performance Duett aus Brooklyn, New York werden uns einen Besuch abstatten.

Sassparilla Sisters is a reinvention of traditional American vaudeville dance routines and performance styles, We create and intimate jewelbox theater instillation with feathers, light, found objects, and everyday opulence as the backdrop for our medicine show, where we diagnose what ails us all with our cure all snake oil.  We are looking at the past, to make a new frame for our present.  It is a lively and thoughtful show, with song, dance, spectacle, and art.


Beginn: 20h

Geöffnet, wie immer ab 18h – dazu gibts lecker Vokü
