
Samstag, 19. Mai: FILM Premiere – PREPERATIONS II TRAKAL PNW

Hey for all you apocalyptic friends and gore lovers: the no name filmmaker Kristof Trakal is STARING HIMSELF in this end-of-the-world-premiere. come over – bring your mums and dads – and face practical tips and depressing prospects in this very preparing timetravel horror kitsch-voice-over-hdv-camera 55minuits video clip.
the filmmaker will be present for a q&a.


(a film by Kristof Trakal, 2012)


TIME he comes back and out with his feature length travel-o-rama Horrorjoint ultra military PREPPER PIC – such as non of yourselves mustnt see in your lifespan.
Some still think HE was couchsurfing his hippie ass off –
you got miles to go thinkin that and miles to go – your wrong!
They talked to HIM first in the hebrew village tongue:
“ listen rabbeih – we have some serious trouble here with them new prefecturers trying to re-structure our habitat: can’t you go out – having one of your revelations?”
“ well – i might aswell do that – “
“ oh yes please – and come back and tell of your trabbels for all of us to lern from the world and the cruel empire that is pilliwinking our shtetl!”


and off HE went into deep traumatizing time travels for his and his artifical EYES to see:
bringing back a CATALOGE of methods and stories preparing for the ultimate resistance.
In his raggedy sacks you see HIM now pushing his lidl wagon – his laterna on wheels – through the skid rows of european towns, bellimumbling his visions.
Recognize his beard
as he presents the traditional stories he brought to generations and generations of thirsty listeners.
HE has come to your decade too – P R E M I E R I N G his reports from the PREPERATIONS II TRAKAL PNW.
